Sunday, July 31, 2011

What a Nice Brother

Shalise has been sick this weekend and Carson has been so cute "taking care" of her. I saw him get her blankie for the the other day and he even gave her a kiss on the cheek! He's asked me repeatedly if he should sleep in her room with her so he can take care of her cuz he's the big brother. Then yesterday at the doctor's office, he was sitting next to me and asked Shalise is she wanted him to hold her. She immediately put her arms out and sat on his lap with her little head on his shoulder, cutest thing ever. Then the doctor came in and she wanted me again but it was such a cute lilttle moment and I love how he wants to take care of her. What a nice brother!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Birthday Presents for Carson

Carson got some birthday money from Nona and Nono to buy himself a birthday present. Here is what he chose to buy with his money, an Iron Man Mask and a motorcycle:

Can't Get Enough Sun!

The kids can not get enough of the outdoors and swimming this summer! Yesterday we went to Seven Peaks with some friends and then met up with cousins later at a Splashpark. It was a long day but lots of fun! Summer is coming to and end soon so we figure we better live it up white we can!

Here are the boys with their cousins and Shalise covering her face, she didn't want to be in a picture with all the boys!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Seven Peaks

We have had some fun days at Seven Peaks with different famly and friends that have gone. I have no pictures of Carson because he won't stop long enough to take one and then I have two kids that like to lay out! We have had a lot of fun going to Seven Peaks and will be sad when summer is over and we can't go anymore!

Herriman Beach Fun

The Herriman Beach has been closed for construction and finally opened so the kids were very excited to be able to go. We had a great time!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

1800 Contacts Work Party

We went to my work's yearly party at Thanksgiving Point and the kids had a lot of fun. There was rock climbing, waterslides, pools, bouncy houses, games the kids could play and get prizes, Wii games, little cars to ride around, face painting, a magic show and lots more. Carson said his favorite was the big waterslide and the rock climbing, Marcus liked the magic show and Shalise loved the Princess Castle bouncy house. We had a lot of fun and I even got my name drawn out for a prize during the yearly associate prize drawing! I won a portable DVD player so that was fun, it was sure a fun afternoon!

Marcus First Play

Marcus took a Theatre Camp this summer where they went everyday for a week to rehearse and then at the end of the week they put on the show. They did the show "Enchanted". Marcus absolutely loved it and did so well! He had one line and we didn't know if he would do it or not but he did! He got totally into the dancing and singing and looked like he was having so much fun and it was really fun to see him. We were so proud of him! He is already asking when he can do it again, I think we may have just found his calling in life! :)

Swimming Summer Fun!

We have done a lot of fun swimming so far this summer. Here are some of the kids favorite: Going to AF Outdoor Pool, the kids loved it! It has all their favorite things, a playground, a waterslide and diving board (Carson's new favorite thing). We also love playing out in our backyard that is open 5 houses down. So we get all the pools out and the kids swim and jump on the tramp and have lots of fun. The other thing we love is the new splashpark that opened close to our house. The kids love having somewhere new to swim. They all love swimming!