Sunday, November 30, 2008

Stitches Again...

Marcus got stitches yet again a couple days ago! I was on the computer and he was behind me playing with the oven. Yes that's right, I'm that kind of mom that lets my kid open and close the oven... Actually not so much lets him as much as tells him to stop a hundred times and gets tired of telling him to knock it off. So a minute later he comes over crying and there is blood all in his hand. It bled for a long time and it was a little flap so I called my doctor that was on call (because of course this was the day after Thanksgiving and the office was closed) and decided I'd probably better take him to have it looked at since everytime he touched it, it would bleed again and he wouldn't leave a bandaid or anything on it. So we went to the instacare and he got two little stitches. It looks a lot worse than it is because I have to wrap it like crazy or he just takes it off. I think the worst part of being at the instacare was having to tell the doctor how it happened... He was playing with an oven? Yes an oven... I'm a great mom I know... Here are some pictures:

Marcus has been having a hard time eating but lucky for him his brother is more than happy to feed him! Here is a little video:

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

My family isn't having our Thanksgiving dinner until Saturday so instead of having a big dinner yeseterday Jake and I took the kids 4wheeling. My sister Tashina went with us and we had a great time. We went close by up in the hills and there were actually lots of deer up there. The boys were super excited and Carson kept telling me to take pictures of the deer mom!! :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bouncy Shalise!

Shalise has started to get a little crazy in her saucer, she jumps like crazy in it now! I get nervous that she's going to tip herself over! Here is a little video:

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tender Moments

The kids were playing the other day and this is what I saw when I looked around the corner at them. I asked Carson what he was doing and he said he was showing Shalise how to crawl. And then Marcus pipes in, I crawl too! :) So cute... And hopefully they really do teach her how to crawl. I'm determined to have one child crawl before their first birthday! So good luck boys! :)
Jake was reading the boys some books before bedtime and then the boys gave eachother hugs. I love this picture. It also shows how much the boys want me to be a part of their bedtime routine... Uh, they don't. :) Jake is so good with them and I love how much they adore him and want to be with him.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Marcus!

Marcus just celebrated his 2nd birthday. I can't believe he is already 2! We had a great time with him opening presents and eating cake. Here are some pictures:

Here are some of the things that I love about Marcus:

-His contagious laugh. You can't help but laugh when he laughs.
-He is such a little jokester and always does the funniest things!
-How much he loves Carson & Shalise and is always asking where they are if he can't find them.
-I love how he talks so well and is such a little chatterbox.
-His big smile when he wakes up and says Hi Mommy!
-What a sweet boy he is with his puppy dog eyes and smile that melts my heart.
Happy Birthday Marcus!

Friday, November 7, 2008

10 Year Anniversary

Jake and I just had our 10 year anniversary and decided to take a short trip to Vegas to celebrate! I can't believe we've been married 10 years and they have certainly been the best 10 years of my life. I love Jake and our kids and the life we have together. Big thanks to our family members that watched our kids for us so we could go!! It was so much fun to get to spend some time alone together and the three days that I got to sleep in past 5am were heavenly!!
My sister Tashina and her husband Tim went on the trip as well and we all had a great time. Our hotel had a bowling alley, movie theatre, arcade and good buffets. So we really didn't go anywhere except to shop. It was nice weather too so it was great to be out of the snow for a few days!

Jake even recorded a little video of my sister and I doing the Dance Dance Revolution at the arcade. And I know it's sideways, but Jake turned the camera to record it and I can't get it to flip the right way. So just tilt your head to the left to watch it... :) And I should also mention how sore I was the next day since I haven't played DDR in years! I really need to start playing again more and get back into DDR shape!! :)

Where is Carson?

I was making lunch the other day and heard Carson say, "Mom, look at me!" I looked over and couldn't see him at first and I said, "Carson where are you?" And he says, "Mom, I'm in the books!" That's when I finally saw him, ya literally in the bookcase... I have no idea how he got himself in there but I couldn't stop laughing! :) Here is a picture:
And if you can't see him, look closer:
Crazy boy!!