Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tender Moments

The kids were playing the other day and this is what I saw when I looked around the corner at them. I asked Carson what he was doing and he said he was showing Shalise how to crawl. And then Marcus pipes in, I crawl too! :) So cute... And hopefully they really do teach her how to crawl. I'm determined to have one child crawl before their first birthday! So good luck boys! :)
Jake was reading the boys some books before bedtime and then the boys gave eachother hugs. I love this picture. It also shows how much the boys want me to be a part of their bedtime routine... Uh, they don't. :) Jake is so good with them and I love how much they adore him and want to be with him.


Shellee said...

you're kids are just too mellow... they don't need to hurry off anywhere just yet.

Squeeze them for me.

Liz said...

They are so cute. I wish you could bring them to work every day.

Cheryl said...

Be the man Jake! What a great Dad. In our house Dad is the favored one at bedtime too.

Valeri Crockett said...

So so sweet!

Unknown said...

So adorable!

Stephanie said...

Don't feel bad Lilet, my kids prefer Erik too. Unless it's bath time, then they prefer me...I'm more careful than Daddy.

LeeAnn said...

You're so good to have your camera handy for moments like these. Thanks for sharing!