Monday, March 30, 2009

Bikes and Kites

Well Saturday wasn't necessarily the warmest day we've had but I'm sure glad the kids spent the whole day outside because now it is snow and more snow! I bought the kids some bikes so they can have them all summer to play with and then Jake pulled out a kite we have had for years and flew the kite outside with the boys. They loved it!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Bike Rides

We were at my parent's a few days ago and Jake decided to take the kids on a little bike ride. So how many kids can you fit in a bike trailer? In our case, three. :) The kids didn't want to take turns so Jake took all three of them at the same time. I'm sure Jake got quite the workout! The kids loved it!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Fun Rhino Saturdays

We went out last Saturday for another Rhino ride. It was such a nice day. The kids got out and explored for a while and we even had a little picnic lunch. We look forward to good weather and more fun Rhino Saturdays!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Who Sleeps Like That?

This is how I've found Shalise sleeping for naps lately. It's like she's sitting up and then leans forward to go sleep, funny girl... :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Shalise's New Crawl/Walk

So I used to always laugh when watching Baby Signing Time because there was this part where this little boy would crawl but with straight legs. I always thought it was the funniest thing. Well apparently Shalise thinks it's pretty awesome because recently she has started to crawl like this! She first did it on a Sunday when she had a dress on and I think she was tired of crawling on her bare knees, but now she does it all the time. Funny girl, it makes me laugh. :) Here is a little video clip:

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Partners in Crime

I was upstairs making dinner tonight when my boys went downstairs to play. It got very quiet and I decided to go see what they were doing. Apparently they found Jake's stamp that he used to use for his business to stamp the back of checks and had stamped it all over eachother's bodies. And let me tell you hard that stuff is to get off! We did manage to get them off the faces but the rest of them will probably be several baths before it comes off completely...
They thought they were pretty funny, yes boys, hillarious... :)

Friday, March 6, 2009

A Shredded Mess!

I am just finishing my first week of working full time, so I was looking forward to cleaning and doing laundry today since I don't go into work until 3. I was doing pretty well when I heard my boys laughing downstairs. And not the "I'm having fun" type of laugh, you know the other kind, "the I'm doing something I'm not supposed to" laugh. When I went downstairs, this is what I found:
My boys had taken the liberty of emptying my shredding machine all over the floor. This wasn't just contained to one room either, this is what my ENTIRE basement looked like! We won't talk about how long it took to clean or how many times the vacuum jammed in the process... I guess it's our fault too for leaving the bin so full! I think we'll be emptying it a little more often now... :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

She kindof walks...

Shalise is crawling all over the place and has now started walking around furniture and pushing her little stroller along. It's so weird to see her so mobile! She doesn't look like a baby anymore, but now a full on little girl! I'm so proud of her for starting to walk with help. Hopefully she won't take until 18 months to walk like her brother!! :) I love it when they walk, they seem so much happier when they can walk and get where they want to on their own. She is a cutie and we love her! Here is a little video of her pushing her stroller: