I was upstairs making dinner tonight when my boys went downstairs to play. It got very quiet and I decided to go see what they were doing. Apparently they found Jake's stamp that he used to use for his business to stamp the back of checks and had stamped it all over eachother's bodies. And let me tell you hard that stuff is to get off! We did manage to get them off the faces but the rest of them will probably be several baths before it comes off completely...
They thought they were pretty funny, yes boys, hillarious... :)
Oh my, you sure have your hands full! ;)
That is hilarious. Sort of. It's amazing how much more mischief 2 boys can get up to than 1. I love that this post came right after the shredder incident. What an adventure!
Maybe you shouldn't let them downstairs anymore! ;)
Glad you can see the joy even in the messes. You're a great mom.
BTW, haven't heard from Sharon lately, is everything well with them? Next time you talk to her let her know I'm thinking of her.
Love the stamps that don't come off. I've had that happen as well, but with a boy and a girl, and then two little girls. I've even had hand prints on the wall from the ink pad. You'ld think we'd learn to find better hidding places for our things. :)
oh my gosh! you are so good to grab your camera and capture the moment! BOYS!
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