Thursday, March 5, 2009

She kindof walks...

Shalise is crawling all over the place and has now started walking around furniture and pushing her little stroller along. It's so weird to see her so mobile! She doesn't look like a baby anymore, but now a full on little girl! I'm so proud of her for starting to walk with help. Hopefully she won't take until 18 months to walk like her brother!! :) I love it when they walk, they seem so much happier when they can walk and get where they want to on their own. She is a cutie and we love her! Here is a little video of her pushing her stroller:


Alli said...

Way to go Shalise!

Shellee said...

Thats so cute. What a fun phase.

As for your boys- I had to hide all markers, scissors, and glue for years. Oh, and nail polish.