Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

My kids are going to be very said that Halloween will be over today. We have had fun preschool parties, trunk-or-treats, work parties, ward parties and they haven't even gone trick-or-treating yet! When we drive down the road I hear Marcus and Carson yelling, "I see Halloween!" as we pass people decorations and pumpkins. Carson asks every day if we can go to the store to see the Halloween decorations. Marcus is obsessed with the Mickey Mouse Halloween movie and cries and cries if he can't watch it. So they will be sad when Halloween is over but there's always Christmas and Im sure that will be an even bigger deal! Here are my little Spiderman, Superman and Witch:

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Family Pictures

We wanted to take some family pictures so we thought it would be fun to go this morning to a pumpkin patch to take them. Here are some of the best pictures:

So where is the family picture? Well, it turns out trying to get three children under 3 to sit at the same time and look at the camera and smile is pretty much impossible. So eventually we gave up and took individual shots instead. So much for a family picture, maybe next year... :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Hee Haw Farms

This weekend I went with my sister to Hee Haw Farms in Pleasant Grove. I think it is trying to be like Thanksgiving Point's Cornbelly's only not even close to as good. It's fine for really little kids but older kids would probably get bored. My sister took her son Dante and I took just Carson. Jake stayed home with the other two and it was kindof fun to go do something with just one kid. I forget what it's like to only have to worry about one child! :)

Carson absolutely loved it! He went on a little train that they pull behind a tractor at least 12 times. Then they had some different slides that he loved. He went down a really big one that was on some hay like 10 times which means I also got to go down about that many times! And not because he wanted to sit on my lap or anything, he wanted to go by himself, but he insisted that I go too. He even made me go first. Smart kid probably knows otherwise I would have sent him down and then just walked back down!

They also had animals that the kids could pet and Carson wasn't shy at all. He was chasing pigs around and saying hi to the chickens and goats. There was a also a sandbox that he played in that had corn instead of sand which was actually pretty fun.
We had a fun time at the Hee Haw Farms!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Carson had a field trip today for Joy School. They went to a pumpkin patch and got to pick out a pumpkin and go through a little corn maze and sit on some tractors. I got Carson's coat out this morning and he insisted on wearing his gloves too. I guess a coat means winter and that means gloves. All I know is that I am not excited about any of the cold winter stuff! He was so excited all morning to go to the pumpkin patch. It looks like he had a lot of fun! Here are some pictures of him and his little Joy School Friends:
The pictures were so cute it made me a little sad that I didn't get to go with him and see all the fun he had, but having the pictures is great because then it almost feels like I was there! :) Thanks for taking so many pictures Ashley & Crystal for us moms at home.

Friday, October 10, 2008

WVC Fitness Center

I took the kids this morning to the WVC fitness center with some neighbors. They have a really fun play area for the kids. Carson & Marcus loved it!! Marcus literally spent the entire time pushing a shopping cart around. I guess now I know what to get him for Christmas! :) Here are pictures:

Friday, October 3, 2008

Wagon Rides

We went for a walk the other day and Carson got tired of walking so he decided to ride in the wagon too. Shalise didn't mind the invasion of space, so it worked out well. So if you ever want a good workout, pull three kids in a wagon! My calves were burning by the time I got home! :)