Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Jeremy Evans from the Utah Jazz

As part of the Jazz Reading, another reward for reading is that the top 10 Schools in Utah get to have a Jazz Player come to the school. We made the Top 10 Schools so today Jeremy Evans came to Carson's school. He read a couple books to the kids, answered some questions and did a slam dunk for the kids. I also got to take a picture of him with Carson and as he was leaving he asked Carson to come over and start his Camaro for him. It's a key that you push and it turns the car on, Carson thought it was pretty awesome, so it was a really fun day!

And here is my Jazz Reading wall at the School where we tracked all the students class minutes and everthing:


Cheryl said...

You're amazing. I don't sign up to do that much. I am impressed with all your hard work. It looks like Carson got some benefits though.