Saturday, March 3, 2012

Paul Millsap from The Jazz

Paul Millsap came last week to Carson's school. Compared to last year's player, it was a little bit of a letdown, he wasn't as outgoing and just nice and friendly like Jeremy Evans was. He acted a little too cool to be there which is dissapointing since he's one of their biggest players. Carson even mentioned that he liked the player last year better. I told him that he should just feel lucky that he got to meet him and stuff. And getting these pictures was not easy. We could tell he did not want to take pictures. Good thing I know the Jazz rep that was with him, she came with the player last year and remembered me. I asked her if it was ok to get a picture and she looked at him like, ya she was in charge of the whole program so you need to take a picture with her. So here are some pictures and we're proud to say that now we have these kind of pictures with 2 Jazz Players! :)