Monday, May 12, 2008

Thanks Britta & Ronda!

A few weeks ago my sister-in-law, Britta, gave Shalise some cute little outfits and I just love them! And of course new outfits means new bows. So I took the new outfits over for my neighbor, Ronda, to make me some cute bows to match. So I added them to my ever growing bow obsession... I keep taking new clothes over to Ronda so she can make me more! The outfits & bows look so cute on Shalise. Here are some pictures:

Thanks Britta & Ronda!!


The Mortensen Family said...

Bows are so addicting! Until they start pulling them out and then you start to ease up. Marissa will keep hers in for about 5 seconds and I have sooo many that she never wears. Amanda says they grow out of it. I sure hope so.

LeeAnn said...

Wow, I thought the bows were just inherited from someone else, not custom-made! I was a little surprised by the profusion of color combinations in your box, but now it makes sense if each one goes with a different outfit. Cool!

Shellee said...

does ronda have a bow business? or are they a friend thing? We love bows too.