Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009!

We had a very low-key Christmas this year. Our family parties were a few days before and a few days after Christmas so Christmas Eve and Christmas Day it was just us. We invited our neighbors over on Christmas Eve for dinner and the kids all had a great time playing together. I did a little treasure hunt for the kids to find their Christmas PJ presents. They loved it! We will probably do it every year cuz it was such a hit.

The boys were up Christmas morning bright and early at 4:30am! They were too excited to go back to sleep so I put them in my closet with their stockings and that kept them busy for a while... until around 5am.
Then I put them in the bath and let them play for a while with their new stocking toys. That kept them busy for a while longer and then around 6am we woke up Shalise and went downstairs to open presents!
The kids were very excited to open presents and were really excited about all the fun toys they got. Shalise had some very cute expressions, you'll see them below, her and her funny faces...

Here are the kids with their Nono and Nona a few days after Christmas.
And here are the kids with their "loot".
We had a great 2009 Christmas!


LeeAnn said...

Did all three kids each get a stroller? Cute pix, and you're right, they did make out like bandits!

Cheryl said...

What a fun Christams! I can't believe you were entertaining two little boys so early in the morning. That is just so funny! I would have never thought to give them a bath.