The boys have gotten into coloring a lot lately which has been so weird cuz Carson has not been one to like coloring. They have colored out on the tramp, in their bedrooms and on the floor. It's been cute to watch them color.
Carson and Marcus made signs on put on their doors telling people who can come in and who can't. I was actually really impressed because this is the first time Carson has tried to write sentences by himself. They yellow marker says" Dad can not come in" and then in blue it say "mom can in" and then there's just a lot of letters and stuff. So maybe what he wrote about Dad wasn't very nice, but I was proud of him for doing it! :) He must have been upset with Dad at the moment...
Here is Marcus's sign on his door. Carson wrote his name on it and the rest if a bunch of M's and S's and the orange Carson also wrote. Anything that looks like an M or a 2 or an i or an S is Marcus. They spent like an hour the other morning doing this, it was cute. :)
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