Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

We had a busy Halloween day! Carson went to school and had a costume parade, so the kids and I went and watched. I video taped part of it to get some good ideas for next year! People are always way more creative than us! Carson got out early from school so we went to my parent's house to help with donuts. My mom makes donuts every year and the kids thought they were really good! We then got home and got ready to go trick-or-treating. We were so happy to have good weather, it was awesome! Jake put Halloween lights and spider webs and everything on the Ranger, it looked pretty cool and unfortunately we didn't even take a picture... So we all went out as a family on the Ranger to trick-or-treat and had a lot of jealous parents pass us by! The kids got a ton of candy and were exhausted when we got home. It was great Halloween 2011!