So we are about a week and half into potty training with Carson, and I have to say he is actually catching on quick and doing a great job. I'm so proud of him. So far it has gone a lot better than I expected it to go. We have our good days and bad days but overall, he is doing really well. Interestingly he doesn't care so much about getting treats as he does just having me praise him and getting really excited. So it's great that he isn't on a total sugar high every night when he goes to bed! I feel like I haven't done anything or talked to anyone for a while because I spend the entire day taking him to the potty! And apparently it is all about the underwear, as long as he has underwear on that he picked out and is in some kind of character that he likes, then he does great. I made the mistake of getting him some that weren't "Carson approved" and that did not go over so well... So here are some pictures of the stickers on the wall he gets every time he goes, and of course the underwear (and don't laugh at his total farmer's tan!)
He has also made some pretty funny remarks through this process that I wanted to post so that I can tell him later that, yes, he really said that. :)
The first time he was trying to go potty, nothing was happening and he looked at me and said "Mommy, it's broken!"
Another time he was having similar problems he shrugged and said "Mommy, it's locked."
One time when he was going number 2 in the toilet he told me "The poop are going swimming in the water! I want to go swimming too!"
And then after he had an accident one day, I asked him what happened and he told me "It spilled!"
The funny things that kids say...
I can Not believe how fast these past 3 years have gone. I feel like I just picked him up at the hospital not too long ago.
Good job- mom.
We just went through all of that with Jacob. I'm glad he's getting it quickly and doesn't care about the treats. That is awesome. We are still trying to help Jacob understand that treats aren't the point. I love the comments Carson has made. I think toddlers are hilarious.
That is so awesome Lilet! I'm glad you wrote down his comments, they are too precious! You will treasure those for a long time! Now I wish I had done that.
Lol Carson is awesome.
That is freakin' hilarious! He is going to be SO humiliated about that 20 years from now, bwah ha ha ha ha!
That's great that he learned so fast. Parker is totally picky about his underwear too.
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