Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Carson is obsessed with being on people's shoulders. And for some reason we indulge his craziness. The following are things that were his idea, he even got our neighbor to humor him on the bike. I think Marcus had the right idea in the picture below to be nervous, don't know why the rest of us weren't!


Liz said...

That is Awesome

Shellee said...

seriously- Until Shalise is balanced on your head, I will not be amused. Okay, maybe I'm little amused.

Simpson Family said...

I want to know how the heck you managed to get up on Jake's back with your hands full of kids?? I hope that someone was there handing them to you!

Valeri Crockett said...

You guys are so fun!

LeeAnn said...

Jake is a stallion, and you are all totally crazy!