Thursday, May 13, 2010

Aquarium Visit, Bike Rides and TBall

The kids have been going crazy being inside all the time with the rainy weather so we got aquarium passes. The kids love it! They now have penguins at the aquarium which the kids love to watch them jump and swim. Carson also loves the sting rays and wants to touch them SO bad but gets nervous and won't do it. Marcus really likes looking at the fish and Shalise said her favorite thing was candy. That would be the candy I bring so she doesn't freak out with sittting in the stroller the whole time. She gets a little figdety but is ok if I keep the candy coming! I tried to get a picture of all of them together but could not get ANY of them to look at the camera, too busy looking around I guess!
The kids wanted to ride bikes the other day where there is "more space" so we went to a church parking lot and they had a lot of fun! Shalise didn't last outside very long, apparently it was too "windy" for her so she wanted to sit on her bike inside the back of the car, crazy girl...

Carson and Marcus started their Tball season and it's fun to have them playing together on the same team. Marcus loves to hit the ball and run the bases, he is a good hitter! But he could care less about playing outfield as I'm sure you can tell in his pictures... Carson loves to play outfield and is very engaged. He got to play first base for a whole inning and could not have been happier! In fact I couldn't get any pictures of him in the outfield because he is so busy and running all over! He also likes to hit the ball and run the bases.


Cheryl said...

What a great Mom you are to keep your children so engaged. We liked the aquarium too. Enjoy the coming warmer weather.