Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Things Kids Say...

Carson told me the other day that red is a very beautiful color.

Carson also asked the other day lots of questions about Mother's day and Father's day and who gets presents and when. And when he realized that he doesn't get a present on either of those days he asked me when "Kid day" was so just the kids could get presents...

I was asking Shalise today if she was my pretty girl and she said no, then I asked if she was my little muffin and she said no, I asked if she was my cutie pie and she looked very frustrated and said no, princess! So note to self, the only nickname allowed to call her right now is little princess!

Marcus is funny because he never really says if he is enjoying something at the time when we are doing it, but the way I know he likes it is because he NEVER stops talking about it after. So his top 3 things that he likes right now, that he talks about ALL THE TIME are wearing shorts, playing TBall and going to the Aquarium...