Wednesday, May 19, 2010

No Training Wheels!

Carson never ceases to amaze me! The kid sets his mind to something and can pretty much do anything! We were at Heidi's today so the kids could play with their cousins and Carson jumps on a bike with no training wheels and decides he is going to ride it. He wobbles around for maybe like 3 seconds and then he's off! I asked if he needed any help and he told me no mom, I can do it! He spent the next two hours riding that bike all over the place. The other kids had a lot of fun too. It was such a nice day and we had a picnic and the kids really enjoyed playing together. Caden just got a bike with pegs on it to give kids rides and I think he was pretty worn out after giving all the kids a turn! He's always such a nice cousin and such a good sport about playing with the "little kids", we love him! Thanks Heidi for a very fun afternoon! And I'm sure Carson will be telling or showing anyone who will listen about his new "no training wheels" skill!


Cheryl said...

Way to go Carson! You didn't even have to coach him at all. You're entering a new phase of independance.

The Mortensen Family said...

Wow that is awesome. He is getting so big. Can't wait for our joy school play date.