Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Kids

I think this are the first pictures of all three kids that I was able to get without making them all squish in a chair and hoping they didn't move before I took it! Probably because it was Carson's idea and not mine. The boys were wrestling on the floor today which was SO funny, they were just giggling and giggling. Then Carson told me "take a picture mom!" So I did... Then he wanted Shalise in the picture too so I took the opportunity to get some of all three of them and I love how you can totally see Marcus's tonsils cuz he has such a big cheesy smile! Here are some cute pictures from today:


Rach said...

Those pictures are great! What cute kids!

Jenny said...

What beautiful happy kids!

Cheryl said...

There's a happy memory.

Unknown said...

Your kids are so beautiful Lilet! I have a friend that is considering adoption through fostering. Would you be willing to talk with her about your experience? She lives in Salt Lake City and I was telling her about your adorable family.