Thursday, January 29, 2009

She Crawls!

So I was on the phone today and I look up and see Shalise up on all fours just crawling across the room! She's also been going from her stomach to sitting the last couple weeks and she's cute cuz sometimes she'll stop halfway and just hang out. She's also been able to get around for a while either rolling or army crawling, scooting, turning in circles... but today is the first time I've seen her actually crawl. Then like 2 hours later I look over and she's up on her knees opening a cupboard and trying to stand up! I guess that crawling thing is nothing and she's going to just move past that and stand up too. Who knows maybe tomorrow she'll decide to try walking... :) So I'm really excited for this big milestone for Shalise, it's so cute to see her crawling and the look of satisfaction on their face makes it all worth it. Although that means I now have 3 mobile children under 3... I see a lot of exercise in my future... :)


Cheryl said...

How exciting!

Alli said...

Yay Shalise. I know Peyton cant wait for you to be able to move around so you 2 can play together at family dinners. So exciting.

Stephanie said...

And now the fun begins!!!!!!

Valeri Crockett said...

That's so great!! I'm sure her brother's secretly taught her to crawl when you weren't looking:)

Rach said...

That's awesome! Kids are so sneaky!

The Mortensen Family said...

She is so cute. Good luck with the 3 mobile ones I can't wait!

LeeAnn said...

This is good--now she can chase after those crazy brothers instead of getting left behind. I'm picturing all three running around screaming and driving you crazy. HA HA HA HA!!! [diabolical laugh]

That red sweater is supercute!

Jenny said...

Such a dolly! Isn't it exciting to see children reach new levels of development?