Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I See Santa!

I took the kids to the mall the other day to see Santa. If anyone in the mall had any doubt that Santa was there, they didn't after my kids arrived. Every 10 seconds Marcus would yell, Mommy, I see Santa!!! I was worried about standing in line with them, but there was a lot to look at and the 20 minutes went by pretty fast. They did really well. After the picture was taken, Santa asked Carson what he wanted for Christmas. He thought for a minute and then said, I want that truck... the one at Walmart... the one with the cars! I thought it was funny how specific he was. You wouldn't think a 3 year old knows what he wants, but let me tell you, he certainly does! Now I really hope he is a good boy so Santa can bring it for him, and I hope Santa can afford it, the boy has expensive taste... :)


Jenny said...

What adorable kids...I miss the Santa years, Sterling still believes, but is wavering, this might be the last year. :(

Valeri Crockett said...

So cute! I will be sad when Lincoln's old enough to know the difference between expensive items and dollar store items:)

Ashley said...

LIL!!! It's great to get an update on your family...your kids are so cute!! Where do you get Shalise's cute bows?!

LeeAnn said...

Yeah, nothing gets past Carson--pretty soon he's going to be wanting a Red Ranger BB gun....

Rach said...

That is adorable. We asked Jacob what he wanted Santa to bring him, and he said, "A Buzz Lightyear." And at least 5 times a day he says, "I can't wait until Santa brings me a Buzz Lightyear." Talk about pressure! Fortunately, I found one at Target last week and his hopes and dreams won't be crushed. I love that Carson described what he wanted so carefully. He is one smart kid. Isn't it fun to have a kid old enough that they get into it? We're sure enjoying it!