Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas Is Coming!

My kids are getting so excited for Christmas. Halloween was a pretty big deal for months, but that has quickly been replaced with the anticipation of Christmas. We've had decorations up for almost 2 weeks already. Carson was asking me every day to put them up for weeks before and I finally caved. They get so excited when the lights come on every night (they are on timers). I hear Carson saying The lights are here!! And Marcus yelling, I see Christmas! It certainly is the highlight of their day! And yes, this is our almost decorationless tree since the kids won't leave them alone. They are only on about the top 1/3 of the tree... :)


Valeri Crockett said...

I'm feeling lucky when it comes to our tree decor. Lincoln doesn't really mess with it. . .yet. . . he just throws thing's at it (is that odd?). I have caught him 4 times just throwing his toys at the tree. I love the excitement of turning the lights on for kids, isn't this season fabulous! :)Valeri

LeeAnn said...

I still have to put up my teensy 2' pre-lit concession to the holidays. Maybe next week, when I've actually bought a few presents to put under it....

Stephanie said...

I remember what it's like to have an almost bare tree with decorations only on the top half. My kids are better now, but only a little. I'm still constantly saying, "Don't touch the tree!" I really remember one year especially where we had all the presents on the top of the entertainment center, because the kids wouldn't leave them alone. I think I even got pictures of that. Today's not much better, they still are anxious to rip those things open!

Cheryl said...

I think Christmas is exciting with children. Their anticapation rubs off on everyone.

Jenny said...

What beautiful kids...I love your tree, it brings back memories of Christmas past for my own family. They grow up so fast!

Rach said...

I love that Marcus says, "I see Christmas!" Kids really do make this time of year more fun. This year is the first, and probably only year, that we have decorations all the way to the bottom. Jacob actually helped put ornaments on. Of course, all the unbreakable ones are on the bottom, and the nice ones are on the top. We are not going to have one of those really matchy, evenly distributed trees for quite some time.